Incorrect – Correct
Que – Queue
Incorrect – Correct
Grammer – Grammar
Incorrect – Correct
Leftenant – Lieutenant
Incorrect – Correct
Buket – Bouquet
Incorrect – Correct
Kernal – Colonel
Incorrect – Correct
Burocrat – Bureaucrat
Incorrect – Correct
Appology – Apology
Incorrect – Correct
Ciggarette – Cigarette
Incorrect – Correct
Diarhea – Diarhoaea
Incorrect – Correct
Sincerly – Sincerely
Incorrect – Correct
Arithmatic – Arithmetic
Incorrect – Correct
Airodrome – Aerodrome
Note: ‘Aeroplane’ is the preferred spelling in British English.
Note: ‘Airplane’ is the preferred spelling in American English.
Admision | Admission |
Airodrome | Aerodrome |
Asthetics | Aesthetics |
Ambasodor | Ambassador |
Aniversary | Anniversary |
Appology | Apology |
Assasination | Assassination |
Aironaut | Aeronaut |
Affiliasion | Affiliation |
Affidabit | Affidavit |
Anihilation | Annihilation |
Arithmatic | Arithmetic |
B |
Battalian | Battalion |
Beautisian | Beautician |
Bienial | Biennial |
Billingual | Bilingual |
Bureuacrary | Bureaucracy |
Ballon | Balloon |
Buffalow | Buffalo |
C |
Carraige | Carriage |
Casheir | Cashier |
Cassete | Cassette |
Catalougue | Catalogue |
Caterpilar | Caterpillar |
Centenerian | Centenerian |
Centigrate | Centigrade |
Chaufeur | Chauffeur |
Cigarete | Cigarette |
Circumfarence | Circumference |
Commision | Commission |
Commisioner | Commissioner |
Commitee | Committe |
Compulsary | Compulsory |
Concieve | Conceive |
Consceince | Conscience |
Curiculum | Curiculum |
Cylindar | Cylinder |
E |
Espoinage | Espionage |
F |
Fortith | Fortieth |
Fahrenheight | Fahernheit |
G |
Governer | Governor |
Grammer | Grammar |
Gurantee | Guarantee |
Gencein | Genuine |
Girafe | Giraffe |
Gorgious | Gorgeous |
H |
Heamoglobin | Haemoglobin |
Haeamorrhage | Haemorrhage |
Hereditory | Hereditary |
Hetrodox | Heterodox |
Hetrogeneous | Heterogeneous |
Hipopotamus | Hippopotamus |
Herbivorus | Herbivorous |
Hypeine | Hygiene |
I |
Influnza | Influenza |
Inconveneience | Inconvenience |
J |
Jaundise | Jaundice |
Jubbliee | Jubliee |
Jewellary | Jewellary |
L |
Leiutenant | Lieutenant |
Liesure | Leisure |
M |
Marraige | Marriage |
Marvelous | Marvellous |
Message | Massage |
Mathmatics | Mathematics |
Millenium | Millennium |
Millioniare | Millionaire |
Miscllaneous | Miscellaneous |
Mischeivous | Mischievous |
N |
Nieghbour | Neighbour |
P |
Phonix | Phoenix |
Sychologist | Psychologist |
Sychology | Pychology |
S |
Secince | Science |
Solemly | Solemnly |
Squirel | Squirrel |
T |
Tatoo | Tattoo |
Tobaco | Tobacco |
Tomorow | Tomorrow |
Y |
Yeild | Yield |
The most important misspell words
Acheive | Achieve. |
Hieght | Height |
Decieve | Deceive |
Homogenous | Homogeneous |
Ilitterate | Illiterate |
Miscellanous | Miscellaneous |
Aniversary | Anniversary |
Mischeivous | Mischievous |
Goverment | Government |
Openning | Opening |
Airoplane | Aeroplane |
Nuissance | Nuisance |
Cieling | Ceiling |
Controller | Controller |
Archaoelogy | Archaeology |
Curriculom | Curriculum |
Reciept | Receipt |
Nineth | Ninth |
Acquiantance | Acquaintance |
Tution | Tuition |
Wollen | Woollen |
Sovereignity | Sovereignty |
Satellite | Satellite |
Immidiately | Immediately |
Ancesatral | Ancestral |
Exagerate | Exaggerate |
Repitition | Repetition |
Anonymus | Anonymous |
Courtious | Courteous |
Simultanious | Simultaneous |
Inumerable | Innumerable |
Liesure | Leisure |
Collegue | Colleague |
Comittee | Committee |
Dictionery | Dictionary |
Dinning | Dining |
Comunism | Communism |
Embarass | Embarrass |
Enthusiastic | Enthusiastic |
Epidmic | Epidemic |
Especialy | Especially |
Excelence | Excellence |
Foriegn | Foreign |
Palaoelithic | Palaeolithic |
Greivance | Grievance |
Ninty | Ninety |
Occasionaly | Occasionally |
Phenomennon | Phenomenon |
Reniassance | Renaissance |
Scarelly | Scarely |
Surgoen | Surgeon |
Swiming | Swimming |
Quarreling | Quarrelling |
Regretable | Regrettable |
Palacoelithic | Palaeolithic |
Musuem | Musuem |
Allmighty | Almighty |
Biscuite | Biscuit |
Cigarete | Cigaratte |
Cheif | Chief |
Interveiw | Interview |
Obedeince | Obedience |
Soldeir | Soldier |
Obnoxcious | Obnoxious |
Weathere | Weather |
Veteinary | Veterinary |
Excitment | Excitement |
Extrovart | Extrovert |
Surfiet | Surfeit |
Surender | Surrender |
Spinanche | Spinach |
Splaended | Splendid |
Sacrostant | Sacrosanct |
Superflous | Superfluous |
Pharmaceautical | Pharmaceutical |
Reccomendation | Recommendation |
Neccesity | Necessity |
Adrress | Address |
Scenary | Scenery |
Itinerery | Itinerary |
Appology | Apology |
Psycholagy | Psychology |
Archaelogy | Archaeology |
Frieght | Freight |
Protien | Protein |
Riegn | Reign |
Sieze | Seize |
Mathametician | Mathematician |
Phillosophy | Philosophy |
Acheivment | Acheivement |
Tranquility | Tranquillity |
Remunaration | Remuneration |